

March Junior Challenge: Finale

Final day was a blast and we just had a good time together! We finished off with doubles champion challenger. Everyone was serving overhand and understanding how to switch positions.  It was hot but we endured. Coach was truly impressed. Also the students who submitted their worksheet at the end was amazing. Love all the kids that came out to this weeks junior challenge! 

Our man Ryoto. Just two words. 'Cool dude'

Coach promised a bit of ice-cream time while learning about keeping track of points.
I-pad connected to the monitor made things so simple.

Staff Introduction:
  Shinichi George Kidera  APF ACADEMIES COACH

Back into the swing of things in 2014! My goal is to definitely learn more Thai this year, play more tennis, get into great shape, and as always inspire those who want to become better tennis players. Have a great start everyone to your new year and keep your goals alive and in-line.

"Hope to see new and familiar faces at next years March Junior Challenge. Thanks everyone for making it a special one."