

Just a reminder, "We will be closed" during the Songkran week.

Hello, everyone. The temperature has been really pleasantly cool because of the recent rain. Just a reminder that We are closed during the Songlan week. (April 10th to 16th)



This picture was taken during the Songklan week in NONKAI in 2012. As you can see the buddha is carried all over town and people throw mass of water against anyone they can.

Every Buddha gets busy making around.

People pray for peace and good health for their love ones while they splash people with water. I am very surprised how serious they get. Thank god it happens in here in Thailand where it's warm.

Even from the moving vehicle.

I am thinking about participating this year. After all, I would do anything to keep my family healthy and happy. And I get to splash water on the strangers?? That is the way to let my stress go. How about you? But on the other hand, I have to worry about non stop water attack on myself. (please, just do not put bunch of ice in the bucket…that is just too plain cold.)

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We will work actively to the APF making a more international Academies!

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