

After School Junior Tennis @ AISB Soi 31 week 7

At soi 31 we are using the red ball stage 3 and it has been great! The children are able to make better contact at waist height and able to control the ball better opposed to hitting with a regular tennis ball. Today along with our review we practiced moving back using side step and then hitting the ball. Everyone understood the 'concept' very well!! The rallies are becoming a bit longer during the points.

'I look forward to seeing everyone again next week!' 

Staff Introduction:
  Shinichi George Kidera  APF ACADEMIES COACH

"Every single day is another chance to learn something new!"


After School Junior Tennis @ AISB Soi 20 week 7

Today was the first day of introducing the volley. Without using the racket we simply practiced moving forward keeping the elbow and hands out in front making contact directly behind the ball to mimic the volley shot. Everyone did great today in the heat!

"See you next week! "

Staff Introduction:
  Shinichi George Kidera  APF ACADEMIES COACH

Happy New 2015 Year! All the best to all! What are your goals for this new year. I'd like to run another full marathon again and get into gymnastics training. Of course, keep up with my tennis game!